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Children Outreach and Community Empowerment Inc., (COCE), is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit and charitable organization whose purpose is to help people live well by educating and empowering children in the Izigo community; northwest of Tanzania. COCE was founded in 2007.




Rev. Rukulatwa Kiiguta, a native of the Izigo community shared his dream of helping his community with parishioners of Sacred Heart in Winnetka.  They made a dream come TRUE by building two schools:


Sacred Heart Secondary School (SHSS)

SIIMA Grade School


Our Approach

God created our minds with a capacity to wonder, develop, question, answer and absorb knowledge and skills.

Our students are given the opportunity to grow by being involved in many different sports like soccer, volleyball, basketball, net ball and more.

Our school has students with a diversity of faith. Each student if encouraged to practice his/her faith. It is after all, one of our seven core values.  

The impact of our mission can be easily noticed in the local community and beyond. Our schools are not islands but part and parcel of the surrounding communities.

COCE has a holistic approach, focusing on MIND, BODY, SPIRIT, and  COMMUNITY

"Where there is no vision: where there is no dream the people perish."  (Proverbs 29:18)

Contact Us

Children Outreach
& Community
Empowerment, Inc.

P.O. Box 206
Winnetka, IL 60093
Phone (312) 714-0577


© 2023 COCE. Proudly created with

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